You can perfectly sell your car without technical control if it is sold to an automotive professional. This means that it must be purchased by a garage or dealer. In this type of sale, it is this professional who is responsible for passing the technical control. This is the only option to be able to sell your vehicle without having to pass the technical control. In other cases, the technical inspection must be less than 6 months old at the time of the sale. On the other hand, it is possible to sell a used vehicle with a technical control requiring a cons visit. The purchaser therefore buys the vehicle knowingly.

Sell ​​your car without technical control to a professional

Sell ​​your car to a private individual without technical control.

Some vehicles are not affected by the obligation of technical control

After the technical control, payment with PayCar

Sell ​​your car without technical control to a professional

The sale of 4-wheel vehicles weighing less than 3.5 tonnes is governed by the decree of June 18, 1991 relating to the establishment and organization of technical control. This regulatory text authorizes the sale of a used car without having previously carried out the technical control under certain conditions.

The technical control is not an obligation for the sale if the vehicle sold is less than 4 years old, if it is bought by a garage or a dealer, if it is a vintage vehicle put into circulation before 1960, and if it is a collector’s vehicle weighing more than 3.5 tonnes.

Sell ​​your car to a private individual without technical control.

Selling your car without a technical inspection to a private individual is only possible in one case. Technical inspection is not compulsory for sale if the vehicle is less than 4 years old.

It is therefore the purchaser who must pass the technical control in the 6 months preceding the 4th anniversary of the vehicle

In the case of a free vehicle transfer, the technical control is compulsory. Indeed, the person to whom you give the vehicle free of charge will have to make a new registration card in his own name and will therefore need a technical inspection dating back less than 6 months. The technical control is therefore mandatory to sell a vehicle to a private individual whatever the case.

Nevertheless, it is completely legal to sell a vehicle having a technical inspection of less than 6 months which requires the passage of a check-up. In the latter case, the current owner of the vehicle gives the purchaser the report of the technical inspection, so that the latter can access the list of defects observed. The sale must take place within two months from the date on which the technical control was carried out.

Some vehicles are not affected by the obligation of technical control

Only passenger cars can be sold without technical control under certain conditions. They must be less than 4 years old or be sold to a garage or dealer.

Other vehicles can be sold regardless of age, here is the list:

Cars without a license.

Collector’s vehicles put into circulation before 1960.

Two-wheeled and three-wheeled vehicles .

Motorized quadricycles.

Trailers and caravans.

Tractors and other agricultural vehicles.

Diplomatic vehicles.

Vehicles registered as French Forces and Civilian Elements Stationed in Germany.

These are the only vehicles which can exempt the seller from passing the technical inspection in the 6 months preceding a sale. Otherwise, the owner must submit to it in order to be in order at the time of the sale and allow the buyer to submit the new registration card to the prefecture.

After the technical control, payment with PayCar

Once your technical inspection has been carried out, your vehicle is almost ready for sale. It then remains to prepare the administrative documents as well as the payment. For a super simplified, secure, hassle-free and 100% online payment, use PayCar. This means of payment entirely dedicated to the sale of used vehicle allows you to calmly consider your transaction without worrying about possible scams, payment delays or other .