Have you just bought a new car? Remember that auto insurance is compulsory! Identity document, copy of your driving license, information statement… to insure your car, you must present a certain number of documents to your new insurer. Discover the list of the parts to be supplied.


the registration certificate of your car (ex gray card) which indicates its make, model or even its fiscal power, as well as the date of its first registration and of its last technical inspection

This document retraces your life as a car insured and groups together a set of information related to your driving history. It includes in particular:

of information about yourself and any other drivers listed on your previous contract (name (s), name (s), date (s) of birth, date (s) for obtaining driving license …), and whether whether or not you were the main driver of the car

FYI, you can insure two cars as the main driver .

the date of subscription of your possible previous auto insurance contract, this information being used to determine your length of service as an insured

All of these documents to insure a car will allow your new insurer to determine the price of your coverage. To do this, it will define your level of risk by comparing this data with the statistics of claims recorded for profiles similar to yours.

To obtain this car insurance document, you must contact your previous insurance company. However, if you canceled your last auto insurance contract after its first anniversary date as permitted by the Hamon law, you can ask your new insurer to collect this information statement for you .

On the other hand, if you are a young driver , have just obtained your driving license and have never been insured (except in the case of accompanied driving), you do not have any information record. In this case, you simply need to report your situation to your insurance company.

You may then be subject to an additional premium , which means that your annual contribution will be higher, the insurer estimating that the probability of claims is greater than for a more experienced driver.

To find a cheaper contract, you can turn to an online auto insurance comparator like lesfurets to compete with the quotes of several insurers, compare their rates, guarantees and exclusions and subscribe to the offer offering the best report. price quality.

Information to be provided about the vehicle

As we have seen, you will need to provide your insurer with a series of information about the car to be insured, including:

your identity and those of any secondary drivers (spouse, children, etc.)

the model of the car, its date of entry into service, its brand, its model …

the type of trip you plan to take (personal and / or professional)

the planned parking mode (garage, private or public parking, enclosed garden, street, etc.)

Do not forget that you will also have to present the registration certificate of the car (ex gray card). However, it is possible to insure a car without this document if you are about to buy it and it is not yet in your possession.

But beware ! Some insurance companies may refuse to insure a car whose registration certificate is not in the name of the policyholder. This precautionary measure aims to limit the risks associated with theft and traffic in cars. You will need to check this point when you take out your contract.

Once insured, you will receive your auto insurance certificate and the green card for your car within a few days, which you must then place on your windshield. If you signed your contract at an agency, the insurer will hand you a green temporary insurance card.

This provisional cover certificate is generally valid for one month and allows you to drive around while waiting to receive your final green card.

But rest assured, during this period, you already benefit from the guarantees stipulated in your new auto insurance contract .

Do I need specific documents to insure a used car?

The answer is no ! From your information statement to the photocopy of your driver’s license, including the registration certificate, the documents to provide to insure a used car are the same as for a new car.

Only small difference: the change of owner of a car implies a change of license plate . You must therefore make a request in order to obtain a new registration certificate which contains the description of the car (make, model, date of entry into service, fiscal power, etc.) and indicates that you are the owner.

You have one month from the purchase of your car to obtain a new registration, otherwise you risk a fine. In the meantime and for the sake of safety, it may be advisable to take out temporary auto insurance .