Liability coverage, compulsory car insurance

Any owner of a motor vehicle must insure it with, at least, a civil liability guarantee (also called “  third party insurance  .” This guarantee covers exclusively the damage that the insured car could cause to a third party (passenger, other driver, pedestrian…) or to another vehicle.

Optional auto insurance guarantees

The insured who does not find the civil liability cover sufficiently protective can choose to take out more extensive cover and protect himself in the face of more situations. These options and extensions of guarantees will automatically revalue the auto insurance premium upwards. They may relate to damage to the vehicle, specific uses or cover property inside the car.

Vehicle damage guarantees

Taking out damage guarantees in addition to third-party insurance allows you to benefit from compensation when the insured vehicle is damaged as a result of a claim.

To always benefit from optimal coverage by the insurance, it is necessary to declare the installation of non-standard accessories (rims, radio, telephone, roof box, etc.) on the insured vehicle.

Damage guarantee for all accidents or all risks

The comprehensive guarantee covers all damage to the vehicle regardless of the circumstances of the accident or the driver ‘s responsibility. For more information, get advice from an attorney here.

Collision damage coverage

This guarantee reimburses the damage caused to the vehicle in the event of a collision with another car, a pedestrian or an animal. In each case, the owner of the vehicle concerned, the pedestrian or the animal must be identified. If this is not the case, ie the car escapes or it is a wild animal , then no refund is possible.

The fire and theft guarantee

The fire and theft guarantee compensates the owner of the vehicle when it is damaged or destroyed by fire, or even when it is stolen. The indemnity varies according to the conditions provided for by the insurance: it can be based on the value of the car at the time of the accident or on a conventional value indicated in the contract.

The vandalism guarantee , sometimes associated with the theft guarantee, covers the insured against all risks of graffiti, scratches, broken mirrors, etc.

Glass breakage guarantee

The broken glass cover will come into play in the event of damage to the windshield of the insured vehicle. If the insurance contract so provides, this cover can be extended to side, rear and roof windows as well as to headlight optics or exterior mirrors .

Additional guarantees linked to damage guarantees

Several guarantees are obligatorily included when taking out damage guarantees (all accidents, collision damage, theft, fire, etc.). The vehicle is then automatically covered against natural disasters, technological disasters, storms and attacks.

When only the broken glass cover is taken out by the insured, the additional coverages set out above are limited to the only elements falling within the scope of a broken glass cover.

The storm guarantee

The damage caused to the vehicle by a storm, in particular the effects of wind, is covered by the auto insurance.

The natural or technological disaster guarantee

The car is covered against material damage caused by a natural disaster (flood, earthquake, avalanche, tidal wave, etc.) or a technological disaster (underground storage of hazardous products, transport of hazardous materials, etc.). In either case, the state of disaster must be the subject of an interministerial order in the Official Journal so that the insurance can compensate the owner.

The attack and act of terrorism guarantee

This insurance provides compensation for damage resulting from acts of terrorism and attacks when committed on national territory.

Additional guarantees

In addition to insurance covering vehicle damage, other guarantees may apply in specific situations that do not necessarily involve an accident or material damage.

Mechanical breakdown guarantee

The mechanical breakdown guarantee allows compensation by insurance for repair costs related to the breakdown of the insured vehicle. Depending on the services offered by the insurer, the guarantee can cover different parts of the car (engine, electrical components, power supply, etc.).

The “vehicle contents” guarantee

This protection can intervene in the event of damage or disappearance of objects present inside the insured vehicle, whether of a personal or professional nature.

Vehicle loan or steering wheel loan guarantee

Policyholders wishing to lend their car to a relative must generally declare a secondary driver or take out a steering wheel loan guarantee , which provides for the loan of the car to a trusted third party under certain conditions provided for in the contract.