There’s a lot about the auto repair process that can be stressful. When you notice there’s a problem, you might be uncertain whether something is off or not. Sometimes, the nature of your problem is obvious. However, that too can be very stressful if you have, for instance, just been in a collision. But knowing you need an accident repair is just the start.

Then you must find a good collision repair shop. Will they be able to diagnose and repair the issue? Will they say it’s only something small, like a simple dent repair, or will they say you need a full body repair? Can they do it in a reasonable amount of time? Will they charge a reasonable amount? After, if you settle all those questions, and the technicians complete your collision repair, you can relax, right? Well, then there are the questions of post-repair issues and auto body repair warranty.

Auto body repair warranty and other post-repair concerns

We all want that feeling of relief that comes with driving off the lot of an auto repair shop, knowing that our vehicular troubles are behind us. Unfortunately, this isn’t a universal experience. There are myriad issues that can arise after an accident repair. Thankfully, there are some things you can do before an auto body repair that can enhance the probability of you enjoying a worry- and problem-free post-repair period.

What are some post-repair issues you might encounter?

An auto repair is supposed to fix problems, not cause them. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Here are some common post-repair issues that drivers have reported:

The repair didn’t work

This isn’t so much a post-repair issue as a non-repair issue. Auto repair shops don’t always fix the problem you came in for. When this happens, you hope the technicians will be cognizant of and honest about the issue. You want them to say, “Hey, we couldn’t fix this issue because of this reason”. Better still if they can recommend an accident repair shop that will solve your problem.

The repair revealed other issues

Sometimes the repair works fine except… in the process of fixing one issue, the technicians discovered something else that needs repairing. Now you’re without your vehicle for longer than you thought and you’re paying a lot more than what you had originally budgeted. This happens a lot and, while it’s annoying, it’s reasonable to see how it may occur. However, we’ve all heard horror stories of unscrupulous auto repair shops that conveniently “discover” issues that require you to give them a lot more money than they originally said.


Whether because the technicians found something else to fix during your accident repair or because a replacement part cost more than they expected, getting a bill for substantially more than the estimate is certainly a rotten feeling. And there’s often uncertainty with it. Sometimes there are factors completely out of the control of the collision repair shop that increased the cost of the work. And sometimes, they just want more money. How do you know which case yours is?

A bad taste in your mouth

When you drive away from an auto repair shop in a foul mood, poor communication is often the culprit. If the technicians are communicative during the auto repair and give you updates, even when they don’t have good news, you won’t have a nasty surprise when you get your bill. The best auto repair technicians are courteous, professional, and transparent about what they’re doing.

Low-quality workmanship

If a repair doesn’t work, then you will obviously be quite upset. But even if a collision repair fixes the problems caused by said collision, it doesn’t mean you have to be happy. Sure, the dent repair worked, and your car panel is back in the right place, but the scratch repair was less successful. The technician didn’t tell you they couldn’t do automotive paint matching and now the new paint doesn’t match the rest of your vehicle’s finish. This looks unsightly, might hurt the value of your car, and it suggests the technicians may have done equally shoddy work that’s not visible.

Non-compatibility with ADAS features

Many vehicles today are equipped with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). These are systems such as lane-assist, advanced cruise control, and rearview cameras. They help you drive and keep you safe. Calibrating these systems after a collision repair, however, can be tricky. It’s important that the technicians take the time to do it properly.

Warranty problems

This can be a huge post-repair issue. An auto body repair warranty is key for future repairs and maintenance. You don’t want to pay for a repair and then discover, months or years later, that the repair voided your warranty, costing you big money for the next repair.

Another problem is the repair seems to work fine … for a while. Then a few months or years later, or maybe if you’ve moved to a different city or are just driving somewhere else in the country, you have a problem with the same part. Then you discover that there’s no auto body repair warranty and you must pay the cost for a whole new repair.

Choosing the right auto repair shop

A lot of these issues won’t be issues at all if you can find a professional and honest collision repair shop. Especially a shop that offers a national lifetime auto body repair warranty. This means if you’re a driver in Canada, your warranty covers that part forever wherever you are in the country. Whether you need a small scratch repair or a full body repair, choosing a highly respected shop with a national lifetime auto body repair warranty is always the best choice.